For Prep of Mycology Specimens

Hardy Diagnostics Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) Solutions are recommended for use in slide preparations of specimens for the purpose of identifying fungal elements.


Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) Solutions are used in a rapid method for distinguishing fungal elements in microscopic preparations. KOH Solutions are useful when examining mucoid specimens or material containing keratin, such as skin, scales, nails, or hair. KOH digests mucous and keratin, clearing the background and making fungal elements more visible.


Specimen Collection: Samples should be collected using sterilized equipment and aseptic technique to minimize contamination. For more information, see appropriate references.

Method of Use: Place a drop of Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) Solution in the center of a clean slide. Mix a portion of the specimen in the drop of solution. Cover with a coverslip and press gently to make a thin mount. If using Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) Solution, gentle warming may aid in clearing the mount.


Examine the preparation under low and high dry magnification for the presence of characteristic mycelia and fruiting structures. Consult appropriate references for diagnostic features of fungi isolated in clinical and non-clinical specimens.


Cat. no. HDZ77  10% KOH Solution / 15mL

Cat. no. HDZ78  20% KOH Solution / 15mL


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